Irreducible representation
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The Base Function of the Irreducible Representation for Point Groups in the Expansion of Free Energy
The calculation of characters of group representation is the basis of studying the irreducible representation of groups .
The Method of Configuration Interaction of Irreducible Representation Basis Functions of Symplectic Chain
Irreducible representation of the odd - degree complex Clifford algebra
Comparison of Calculation Methods and Application of Circularity Molecule ( CH ) _n Irreducible Representation Radix
Many of the important applications of complex Clifford algebra come from the irreducible representation of complex Clifford algebra .
For the molecular orbital , the irreducible representation component is analyzed besides the membership function of the fuzzy symmetry transformation .
The Irreducible Representation of the Numberator point Group
Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of Space Groups and the Method of Disposition of the Phase Factor in the Process of Computation by the Irreducible Representation
It is easy to prove that the irreducible representation of finite group satisfies orthogonal relation through the usage of Schur Lemma .
The total antisymmetric basis functions are constructed for irreducible representation of S3 permutation group from nine-dimensional hyperspherical harmonics .
In the paper We present a Calculating method for eigenvalue of CSCO-I of Ih group using Table of characters of irreducible representation of Ih group .
By using two different methods , we acquire irreducible representation radix of circularity molecule . If we reasonably use the symmetry of system , it is convenient to calculation course .
The laws of physics has its group , The class of irreducible representation of group decides the structure of the system of quantum , such as H2O electronic eigenstate .
The calculated results are classified according to irreducible representation of molecular point-group , and it is thus convenient to analyze data by means of group theory and correlate with experimental spectroscopic dade , etc.
In the frame of irreducible representation of Poincar é group , this spin operator , which is named as moving spin and applied to all the canonical states of the particle , is constructed .
In this paper , we calculate the irreducible representation of magnetic space group by using the co-representation theory of magnetic group and calculate the C-G coefficients of the structure for magnetic space group by eigenfunction method ( EFM ) .
The generators and irreducible representation coherent state of the SU ( 2 ) group are constructed using the inverse operators of bose harmonic oscillator . The inhomogeneous inverse differential realizations of the SU ( 2 ) group are derived .
The bonding properties are analysed . The relation between the H-F force and the MO 's irreducible representation is presented , a method to decide the molecular geometric configuration variation of excited states by the frontier MO 's H-F force is suggested .
By using the inverse matrix of Cartan matrix , the expansion of the highest weight of any irreducible representation for the simple Lie algebra g by its simple roots is given , and the expression of given by Dynkin for the simple Lie algebra is also obtained .